白幽灵 (White Phantom Quartz)
白幽灵 (White Phantom Quartz)
白幽灵有提神醒脑的作用,还可以过滤一些病气的入侵. 同属于幽灵家族,它的招财能力十分不错,求财,用于祈福,许愿效果最佳。通过白幽灵许愿最容易实现。也可当护身符,平安符。挡煞助健康。白幽灵可增加人体能量,增强视力,改善风水吸收电磁波效果。白幽灵内有如雾状的山影,金字塔形特别的功能,慢慢治愈抑郁症状,可以解开潜意识里的不良情绪。
White phantom Quartz is a gemstone that has a meaning and properties of improving the luck flow. It is known as a gemstone
that can make a bad cycle into a good cycle. Because of that,
white phantom Quartz is known for its power to overcome the past. It
would correct your troubles in the past and bring you back to a good
condition. White phantom Quartz is a gemstone that supports widely from the past to the future. There are not many gemstones that can cover all time, so it is very valuable. If you have a big damage in the past, we have to get rid of that part first. Once you heal your hurt feelings in the past, it would have a good effect for your present and the future. White phantom Quartz is a gemstone that heals the past and let you proceed to the future.